Highly recommended: SuperJudo.tv


SuperJudo.tv is a really nice judo instruction site that someone recommended on the JudoList mailing list. The site navigation is well designed, and the videos have good resolution (much better than YouTube) and good production quality with no fluff or fat. Sensei Leo White, a two-time Olympian, gives clear, high-quality instruction, and you can see how much he enjoys judo.

I appreciate the focus on us, the viewers. At the end of every video, Sensei White encourages us to submit our questions. There is also a "Community" area where we can upload our own videos.

Thus far the videos have been a little more about newaza than tachiwaza, which means Oishi players should feel right at home. That said, I hope to see more instruction on standing techniques in upcoming episodes.

2 Responses to “Highly recommended: SuperJudo.tv”

  1. Andrew Says:

    Thanks for the write up of our weekly Judo show. We do plan on more tachiwaza in the near future… so stay tuned for more Super Judo!! Also, we encourage everyone to submit their questions for Sensei Leo to answer so we can direct future episodes toward our viewers needs.

    Thank you again.

    Andrew SuperJudo.TV

  2. Andy Says:

    That's got to be the quickest comment I've ever gotten on this blog! I look forward to future episodes.

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